International Diploma in Nursery Teacher Training Course

Company: Institute of International Teachers Training


A young mind is always keen on exploring everything that is around her and through this exploration do they come to know about the world. We at Institute of International Teachers Training offer the Nursery Teachers Training Course for teachers to assist them in the search for knowledge. The aspiring teachers will learn the advanced methodologies of education along with classroom management and conducting interactive activities for children to make the learning experience more enjoyable. Candidates will learn the aspects of child development and how to make lesson plans, make crafts for kids and understanding child psychology. Teachers will learn the methods of teaching them to solve problems by themselves and will guide them to discover what they see and perceive in the environment. The course is taught with detailed study materials and examples so that the teacher can educate the children with expertise.

Course Information

  • Course Category
    Nursery Teacher Training
  • Course Type
  • Course Location:
  • Course Duration:
    12 Months
  • Course Price
    18,000 INR
  • Course Posted
    Posted 723 days ago